A while back, my cohorts over at Pro Cycling Coaches approached me about helping them put together a small training video for BikeFit assessment as apart of their online training series. Pro Cycling coaches is an acclaimed cycling training camp that is purely online-based with coach/customer interaction.
Normally their setups had consisted of hanging out of car windows with GoPros driving up and down the canyons in Malibu. As of late they’ve upped their game, building a home-made suction mount for their Nikon D7100, affixed to the trunk of a 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix with it’s rear windows tapped shut and some sort of dragging noise in the under carriage. Needless to say, I’d sit passenger as we winded through the blind turns and dry sun….just waiting for a “thunk…thunk…thunk.” Oops, there went the suction mount. “Trust Me, Trust Me,” says Aram of Predator Cycling/ Pro Cycling Coaches fame. Although I remained panicked, assured gear would go flying at any moment, it didn’t….and surprisingly the footage turned out quite well. You can see a few training videos at their coaching website procyclingcoaches.com.
Back to my post. Aram and his partner Daniel decided to focus on a more comprehensive training video with an actual studio feel and set up. Converting Predator Cycling’s composite shop into a pop-up corner studio proved quite manageable. Using a simple white backdrop, 5-point lighting system (minus 1, hey…you get what you can get!), no audio, 3 crew members, 1 top Playboy model, and a shop dog, we created a pretty professional setup.
Essentially a BikeFit is a systematic breakdown of a cyclist’s posture, stride, power, strength, core, cleat position, and stamina. A certified bike fitter uses lasers and software to measure the cyclists position, tweaks certain elements, and then re-positions the cyclist on their bike so that they can reach optimal riding consistency.
For our video, we had our model Chelsie work through a complete fit. These often last 1-2 hours in person. The video will be adjusted in post to highlight all of the key areas covered. I created a shot list and outline and between the Pro Cycling crew, and myself, we were wrapped and happy within 6 hours. Efficiency, yay!
The video should be posted as free content at procyclingcoaches.com very soon and I’m very pleased with how everything went.
Here are some pics from the shoot day.
- Chelsie repping PCC gear during an end-of-day photo shoot
- I discuss the next shot setup with my talent
- Chelsie tries on the best cycling combo
- Aram and Daniel on set
Editing is under way as I blog!
By Your Cousin on
Looks like someone is still making movies…….