I’m not one to tout software, mostly because I don’t consider myself a techie, nor do I use programs long or consistently enough to make judgments. Sure, I can say something is easy or hard to use/understand/implement, but I’ve never been a proponent or non-proponent of certain uses. Usually in my work positions I’m usually told, “This is what we use, this is how it’s done. Here we use WireDrive. Here we use Filemaker Pro.”
Well, recently that indifference has changed as I’ve started and left a job, and am now rethinking my career all within the last three weeks. As I’ve started to delve into freelance work and learn new skill sets, now working on my blog and SEO, I thought about the initiative I took last week trying to better what I thought was a convoluted and fledgling video storage system at my old job.
I had been previously using WireDrive at a production company for the past two years. WireDrive is an easy-to-use video cloud storage and reel building system. Quite simply, it’s an upload, drag & drop, then tag, user-friendly video storage service that makes video sharing organization as easy as pie. I’m a novice when it comes to coding video and back end management. But in this industry, being a novice doesn’t matter. Speed matters. Between the clear and accessible front end and the stellar customer service, I have never had any issues using WireDrive. The only thinking you really had to do was deciding which media to use in reels! ….the “creative” type part of the job.
My focus of this post is on the actions and processes of video uploading. For the past two weeks I was learning and re-learning how to upload video at an agency that had created an entirely puzzling labyrinth of backend uploads that were ran through a system Synology box (Network Attached Storage)…filtered through a separate server dedicated to video storage…re-routed through FileMaker Pro….and then used as a backend support… to the front end of their website! Please be warned…you just read the most un-techie description of what I (as a normal employee) tried to figure out….and failed. Hey, I might’ve learned this crazy process had I stuck around. But the time wasted on “processes” was just not for me. This system mirrors most of the other processes utilized throughout that company.
So for those production assistants, vault managers, and receptionists thrown into covering video reel building and storage while everyone’s out….WireDrive is a life saver. In this business accuracy counts. The faster you build and share a reel, the faster your work gets in front of the eyes of the people you want to hire you. I whispered sweet nothings about WireDrive in the ears of my previous agency employer. I certainly hope they entertain the idea and turn their labyrinth of media into a slide…a water slide…with jet propulsion…and a clear view just as you make a big splash into your future job.
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