Hello and thank you for checking out my personal blog.
As for professional copywriting services, I am available as a freelance copywriter for original content and copy editor for existing web content.
My special focus is in entertainment producing and video copy, however I have previously completed blog copy for cycling shop and race team websites, product reviews, and personal opinion pages.
I use WordPress and Scribe Keyword Research and Content Optimization for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as a platform for cultivating focused verbiage for Google Panda 4.0. By utilizing the correct phrases and words within your website content, you can be on the fast track for enhancing your site’s Google search results, thus creating a busier site with an influx of visitors. More visitors means better potential sales!
I collaborate directly with ThinkAram.com. ThinkAram builds and actualizes the WordPress backend of your site, while I maintain content.
If you would like to try my services, please fill out my contact form below. Let me know if you’d like original content or editing services. Copy can be done directly within your site’s login, or if you’d like to forego divulging passwords, I can create a custom template with title, meta description, and content page as a PDF that can easily be copied and pasted directly onto your site by yourself. Either way, please drop me a line for services, pricing, questions, or comments!
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