Un-related to my hands-on production work, I forgot to write about my stand-in experience my third week in LA for ABC’s, The Glass House. A friend was helpful enough to get me a job working as a PA/stand-in during their pre-production run-throughs a week before the actual cast entered the house. Fourteen stand-ins took on each of the personalities that were selected for the show. I represented the character Erica, who I believe was the “stereotypical” cocktail waitress. I’ve only watched the first episode and I doubt I did Erica justice.
For one week, we worked with the producers and general crew to work through the camera, lighting, and game play kinks. Essentially, we ran through the initial player entry into the house (lifted through a tube, smoke and all!), the evictions, and the game challenges. For 12 hours a day, we were allowed to “live” in this confined environment. With the options to nap, eat, play on the “lawn”, or splash in the jacuzzi our days still seemed neverending. Mostly, the time was spent talking and learning about the other stand-ins, predominantly 20-something production kids looking for work.
Halfway through the week, we decided to “play” the game. Alliances, deceit, fake and some not-so-fake arguments (12 hour days with people makes Courtney go crazy). All-in-all it was a great experience on a studio stage and I got to see how the inner workings of “reality” on a reality show. I do know that there is no amount of prize money that would make me audition for a show like this. You truly have to take on a character to physically and mentally stay in the game. Check out ABC’s, The Glass House on Mondays, 10pm and let me know how my girl Erica is doing!
Erica-The Glass House (Spitting Image of me, no?)
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